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Gum Disease Philadelphia PA

What is Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal therapy is the treatment of gum disease, a progressive infection of the gum tissues that can impact many aspects of your oral and overall health. Dr. Shulman emphasizes the importance of maintaining good gum health for patients of all ages, and especially as we age. Healthy gums support stable teeth, overall dental health and wellness.

Gum disease affects 3 out of 4 Americans and remains the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. Poor gum health leads to deteriorating dental health and can increase your risk for a range of concerns impacting both oral and overall health. The gums serve as a barrier between the mouth and the bloodstream, keeping harmful bacteria from entering it and leading to internal inflammation.

Advanced gum disease or periodontitis can increase your risk for cardiovascular and systemic disease and conditions. Poor gum health can also make an existing condition or disease more difficult to manage.

periodontal therapy in northeast Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Drew Shulman provides treatment for various stages of periodontal disease, including gingivitis, and bleeding gums.

Dr. Shulman works with patients on an individual basis to identify risk factors, address overall health concerns and provide personalized care for chronic gum disease. If you are prescribed daily medication for a health condition discuss it with Dr. Shulman during a routine visit to ensure that there is no impact on your oral health. Certain types of medications can affect gum and tooth health by causing dry mouth.

You can also help prevent gum disease through daily brushing and flossing as well as routine visits to the dentist for dental cleanings and examinations.

Gum Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Common causes of gum disease include smoking or tobacco use, improper oral hygiene, and certain medications. Gum disease develops when bacteria and plaque build up and infect the gums. Left untreated, the bacteria can erode healthy gum tissue and create pockets of infection between the gums and tooth roots.

This can lead to instability and affect the integrity of your teeth and bite. Routine dental care plays a significant role in maintaining gum health and treating developing disease early and conservatively.

Patients with gum disease may experience:

  • Swollen Gums
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Toothaches
  • Receding Gums
  • Loose Teeth
  • Mouth Sores
  • Bad Breath (halitosis)

Treating Gum Disease in Northeast Philadelphia

Before the gum disease treatment begins, Dr. Drew Shulman will review your medical and dental history to create a treatment that is right for you. Dr. Shulman screens for gum disease during all routine dental care visits to spot developing concerns as early as possible.

The first step to treating periodontitis is often a deep tooth cleaning which removes plaque and tartar from the gums. Dr. Shulman may also prescribe anti-bacterial rinses for treatment at home. He may also utilize laser dentistry, scaling and root planing.

If pockets in gums do not heal from scaling and root planing, further treatment may be recommended to stabilize and restore gum tissues. A gum graft can be performed to replace excessive gum tissue that has been lost.

Gum Disease FAQs

Can gum disease go away on its own?

No, gum disease does not cure itself. You will likely need medical intervention from a dentist to cure your periodontal issues. Although, if you are experiencing very mild bleeding gums issues, you can take steps at home to alleviate symptoms.

How many treatments do I need to get rid of gum disease?

This depends on the severity of your issue. Bleeding gums and mild gingivitis can be treated in as little as a single visit, whereas advanced stages of periodontal disease will need more comprehensive treatment and multiple visits to the dentist.

Is periodontal treatment painful?

No, most procedures to get rid of periodontal disease are not painful. Like with many dental procedures, your mouth will be numbed with local anesthesia before treatment begins so that you will not be in any pain. We will make sure you are in complete comfort during the procedure as well. Some patients say that scaling and root planning feels like a deep gum massage.

Request A Dental Exam Today

If you have noticed the signs and symptoms of gum disease, schedule an appointment with your restorative dentist in Philadelphia for a thorough evaluation of your teeth and gums. We make it our mission to provide comprehensive dental care near you in an effort to help you enjoy the benefits of optimal oral health. Call our Philadelphia dental office at (215) 372-1142.