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Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

Dental implants are an investment in your long term dental health and the appearance of your smile. They can cost more than alternative treatment options but offer a permanent, secure, and stable result. Are you looking to get dental implants in Northeast Philadelphia? Dr. Drew Shulman and his team are here to help. Learn below how the benefits of dental implants make the cost worth implants in Northeast Philadelphia

They Feel the Most Natural

Dental implants replace the entire tooth root, as well as the tooth itself. This gives you the most stability you can ask for when it comes to tooth replacement. They look and feel like actual teeth. You don’t have any restrictions on what you can eat with them, because they’re durable and won’t shift. It’s almost like you have your natural teeth back again.

They’re Low-Maintenance

Many tooth replacement options require extra steps to take care of them. For instance, removable dentures need to be taken out and cleaned every night. With dental implants, you just need a normal brushing and flossing routine. With this and regular checkups at the dentist, your dental implants should be completely cared for.

They Help Prevent Bone Loss

This is one thing implants can do that other options definitely can’t. Dental implants are anchored by a titanium post implanted into the jawbone. Doing this stimulates the bone to grow and fuse around the post. Providing that anchor for both the bone and implant ensures that you won’t lose any of your bone.

They Prevent Shifting of Teeth

When you’re missing a tooth, your other teeth naturally want to move and shift to fill that space. This throws off the normal alignment of your smile. Crooked teeth can cause even more problems down the road. It’s often hard to clean the amount of plaque and buildup that collects in between the tight and awkward gaps. This means a higher chance of tooth decay and gum disease.

Having a misaligned bite can also lead to symptoms of a TMJ disorder. Your jaw may crack and clench. You may have trouble eating because of where the missing teeth are or the way they’re aligned now. And, you just may not feel confident in your smile anymore. Missing teeth may make you want to hide it.

For many patients who have lost teeth, dental implants can resolve these concerns and offer superior results. Implants replace the entire structure of the tooth, making sure that the remaining natural teeth aren’t trying to fill the gap.

They’re Made to Last

Dental implants are one of the most long-lasting options for tooth replacement. If you take care of them properly, they can last 25-30 years are more. Implants are designed to be a permanent form of tooth replacement.

Dental Implants in Northeast Philadelphia

Dr. Shulman, an experienced restorative dentist, frequently uses dental implants to restore patients’ smiles. Call today or schedule an appointment online!