Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissue that can leave a significant amount of damage to your smile. About half of the adults in the United States will contract this infection and suffer lasting effects, even after treating it.
Not only can see structural harm from gum disease. But you can see aesthetic changes in your smile caused by the infection that might make you unhappy with the way it appears. Your dentist can evaluate these concerns and find the appropriate treatment to restore your smile. Read on to find three types of cosmetic dental issues that can develop due to gum disease as well as how your dentist can amend them.
Reduce Puffiness in Gum Tissue
During the early stage of gum disease, gingivitis, bacteria irritate the gum tissue. This creates inflammation that will make the gums bleed, turn red, and swell. You might feel self-conscious about the puffy appearance of the gums that can distract from your beautiful smile.
Fortunately, in most cases, the puffiness will go away when your dentist gets rid of gum disease through periodontal therapy. The dentist will perform an extensive cleaning technique known as scaling and root planing to eradicate excess plaque and bacterial build-up. Then without bacteria there to hurt the gums, the swelling will reduce.
If puffiness or other uncomfortable periodontal symptoms remain after this treatment, the dentist might need to use more intense measures to restore your gum health. Do not ignore these symptoms as they could mean the infection still remains in your smile.
Align Shifted Teeth
Gum disease can cause both swelling and recession of the gum tissue. And this could affect the position of your teeth in your smile. The damage to the tissue can push on the teeth so that they shift out of place, making the teeth appear crooked or creating gaps between teeth.
These alignment issues will remain in your smile even after your dentist treats gum disease. But you can ask your dentist about cosmetic dental solutions to make your smile straight again.
Invisalign, for instance, uses clear plastic aligners to gradually guide teeth into your desired straight position. Or a dentist might use tooth bonding to close gaps or black triangles that interrupt the full, straight look of your smile. Find a custom treatment plan to restore the appearance of your smile when you schedule a dental consultation.
Replace Missing Teeth
Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in American adults. Advanced infections will reach beyond the gum tissue to the tooth root and jawbone. The damage bacteria wreck there could cause a tooth to fall out of its socket.
Losing one or more teeth will leave gaps in your smile that could impact your confidence in its appearance. And you could also be at risk of further oral health complications without tooth replacement from your dentist.
Ask your dentist if you qualify for implant dentistry, the most beneficial treatment method for replacing missing teeth. Your dentist will discuss your preferences as well as your dental structure to find the best restorative dental solution for your needs.